In a video published in January 2023, Julian (OH8STN) shared an idea he had regarding the use of data mode radio to share information in the same way as you might share using social media. Julian has a particular interest in emergency comms and his idea is to provide a microblogging facility that's decentralised and does not require the Internet.
The code here is a very simple (maybe simplistic) server. mb_server supports two request types; LST to list the microblog posts available, EXT to list the posts with the date of each in the listing and GET to retrieve a post. The server uses JS8Call to provide the transport mechanism. The server interfaces with JS8Call using the latter's API, accessed via TCP, i.e. mb_server makes a TCP connection to JS8Call. By default, the API is at IP address and TCP port 2442.
I have included brief details of the JS8Call command verbs and response types below.
There's an important note about the state of the Outgoing Messages area in the section Running the Server - please read this.
Before you try this code, there are three videos you are going to want to watch:
- Off Grid Ham Radio Micro Blogging with JS8Call & VARAC -
- JS8Call Microblogging Overview -
Commands can be in one of two formats:
- Command Line Interface (CLI) - typically sent from the Outgoing Message Box of JS8Call on a client machine
- Application Program Interface (API) - typically sent from an application (such as mbclient) running on the client machine and communicating using JS8
The client SHOULD NOT switch between formats during a conversation. Although this may work, there is no guarantee it will work in the future.
The commands must be directed to the server, i.e. prefixed with the server station callsign. @ALLCALL is not supported. JS8Call can be used by the server station operator in the normal way, albeit once any outstanding microblog requests have been satisfied. mb_server simply ignores all directed received messages that don't match the defined command formats. This is an important point as the requestor will not receive an error message if the command is incorrect. This is intentional to allow for the widest range of normal JS8Call messages.
An operator can use the standard JS8Call Outgoing Message Area to send the following commands to a microblog server:
- M.L - list the five most recent blogs
- The range of this list can be changed by changing lst_limit in
- M.L >n - list all posts with an id greater than n
- M.L yyyy-mm-dd - list all posts dated yyyy-mm-dd
- M.L >yyyy-mm-dd - list all posts created after yyyy-mm-dd
- M.E - as per M.L but with list entries that include the date of the post
- M.E >n - as per M.L but with list entries that include the date of the post
- M.E yyyy-mm-dd - as per M.L but with list entries that include the date of the post
- M.E >yyyy-mm-dd - as per M.L but with list entries that include the date of the post
- M.G n - get the post with the id n
M.LST, M.EXT and M.GET continue to be supported. The form has now been dropped to reduce the amount of code to maintain.
Earlier versions of the CLI included a CLI parser and parameter checking. Revision 9 included a significant rewrite of the CLI such that the CLI now just translates requests into the API form and checking is done in the API. This provides better code layering and reduces the amount of code to maintain.
Command formats are as follows:
- return a list the most recent posts on the server- e.g.
- e.g.
- return a list of posts with post IDs x, y and z- e.g.
- e.g.
- e.g.
- return a list of posts with the post id n, i.e. just one line- e.g.
- e.g.
- return a list of posts with the post id n, i.e. just one line- e.g.
- This format is deprecated in favour of the Ln~ form
- e.g.
- return a list of posts created on the date yy-m-dd where m is 1 to 9 then A, B & C- e.g.
- e.g.
- return a list of all posts starting with an id greater than n- e.g.
- e.g.
- return a list of all posts created after yy-m-dd where m is 1 to 9 then A, B & C- e.g.
- e.g.
- return an extended list of the most recent posts on the server- e.g.
- This format is deprecated in favour of the En~ form
- e.g.
- return an extended list of posts with post IDs x, y and z- e.g.
- e.g.
- e.g.
- return an extended list of posts with the post id n, i.e. just one line- e.g.
- This format is deprecated in favour of the En~ form
- e.g.
- return an extended list of posts with the post id n, i.e. just one line- e.g.
- e.g.
- return an extended list of posts created on the date yy-m-dd where m is 1 to 9 then A, B & C- e.g.
- e.g.
- return an extended format list of all posts starting with an id greater than n; n can be 0 to 200000- e.g.
- e.g.
- return an extended format list of all posts created after yy-m-dd where m is 1 to 9 then A, B & C- e.g.
- e.g.
- return the content of the post with the id n- e.g.
- e.g.
The server can send an announcement to the @MB call group. An announcement contains the ID of the latest post.
An example is - @MB 29
The @MB announcement mechanism is controlled by three configuration parameters in
- switches the mechanism on and off; default is True which means onmb_announcement_timer
- sets the delay, in minutes, between announcements; default is 60 mins
For a user to receive these announcements, they must add the @MB group to the Call Activity list in JS8Call. To do this, right click in the list and choose Add new Station or Group... then enter @MB into the pop-up box and click OK.
A microblog post can contain any text content. All text will be encoded as UTF8 and lower case letters will be shifted to upper case on transmission.
The post file name must start with the blog ID and a date like this:
nnnn - yyy-mm-dd - Your chosen summary test
Although we show four digits above for the reference (nnnn), the server supports any number of digits up to a value of 2000000000.
- Clone the repo or download the zip file from here -
- Click on the green Clone button
- Create a posts directory on your PC
- Move the sample posts downloaded into the posts directory
- In, change the posts_dir variable in the script to reflect the location of the directory - note the use of \\ in Windows paths
- In JS8Call go to File -> Settings -> Reporting
- In the API section check Enable TCP Server API and Accept TCP Request
- Run the script
Your station is now ready to accept calls for microblog posts.
If a JS8Call user does not interact with the program via the keyboard for a period of time, an idle timer pops and the user gets a dialog box warning "You have been idle for more than 60 minutes". Unless you respond to the dialog box, JS8Call stops transmitting, including the sending of messages pushed through its API. This timeout is controlled by File -> Settings -> General -> Networking & Autoreply -> Idle timeout - disable autoreply after: The default value is 60 minutes of inactivity. The maximum value is 1440 minutes or 24 hours. To run the server for prolonged periods you should diable this timer on the server machine.
In JS8Call, go to File -> Settings -> General -> Networking & Autoreply -> Idle timeout - disable autoreply after: Click and hold the down arrow scroll icon until the value shows as Disabled.
You don't need to stop the server to add a new post to the posts directory; the server will check the list of posts on each request and update the latest post information in the next @MB announcement.
Important: The Outgoing Message area in the server JS8Call must not be in the DIRECTED MESSAGE mode. If it is, all messages, including @MB announcements, will be prefixed with the callsign of whichever station you have selected.
PS: My programming skills are self-taught and so don't be surprised if my coding standard are poor :-)
JS8Call provides an API that allows programmatic control of the JS8Call program. The interface is provided via a server running within JS8Call and accessed via TCP or UDP. The API accepts requests and sends responses in JSON formatted messages. The API also sends asynchronous notifications as JSON messages.
Request, response ad notification messages all have the same format:
{"type": "AS_BELOW", "value": "CAN_BE_NULL", "params": {AN_ARRAY_OF_TYPE-VALUE_PAIRS}}
A common params element is _ID, like this:
"_ID": "1673961458978"
The integer is of an Epoch timestamp value (as in this case), indicating the time of the request.
An example is a request for the station callsign and the response is:
{"type": "STATION.GET_CALLSIGN", "value": "", "params": {"_ID": "1673961458978"}}
{"type": "STATION.CALLSIGN", "value": "M0PXO", "params": {"_ID": "1673961458978"}}
Note how the _ID value in the response matches up to the request, allowing correlation of the two.
The JS8Call code that parses these requests can be found in mainwindow.cpp at around line 13080.
INBOX.GET_MESSAGES – Get a list of inbox messages
INBOX.STORE_MESSAGE – Store a message in the inbox
MODE.GET_SPEED – Get the TX speed
MODE.SET_SPEED – Set the TX speed
RIG.GET_FREQ – Get the current dial freq and offset
RIG.SET_FREQ – Set the current dial freq and offset
RX.GET_BAND_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the band activity window
RX.GET_CALL_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the call activity window
RX.GET_CALL_SELECTED – Get the currently selected callsign
RX.GET_TEXT – Get the contents of the QSO window
STATION.GET_CALLSIGN – Get the station callsign
STATION.GET_GRID – Get the station grid
STATION.SET_GRID – Set the station grid
STATION.GET_INFO – Get the station QTH/info
STATION.SET_INFO – Set the station QTH/info
STATION.GET_STATUS – Get the station status
STATION.SET_STATUS – Set the station status
TX.SEND_MESSAGE – Send a message via JS8Call
TX.SET_TEXT – Sets the text in the outgoing message box, but does not send it.
WINDOW.RAISE – Focus the JS8Call window
CLOSE - JS8Call has been closed
INBOX.MESSAGES – A list of inbox messages
INBOX.MESSAGE – A single inbox message
MODE.SPEED – The current TX speed
PING – Keepalive from JS8Call
RIG.FREQ – The rig frequency has been changed
RIG.PTT – PTT has been toggled
RX.ACTIVITY – We received something
RX.BAND_ACTIVITY – The band activity window
RX.CALL_ACTIVITY – The call activity window
RX.CALL_SELECTED – The currently selected callsign
RX.DIRECTED – A complete message
RX.SPOT – A station we have heard
RX.TEXT – Contents of the QSO window
STATION.CALLSIGN – Callsign of the station
STATION.GRID – Grid locator of the station
STATION.INFO – QTH/info of the station
STATION.STATUS – Status of the station
TX.FRAME – Something we are sending
TX.TEXT – Text in the outgoing message window