ChallengeCalculator introduces unit tests and test driven development (TDD). ChallengeCalculator is a simple training challenge calculator that lets the user see training per week given a distance or elevation challenge.
Unit Tests
func testCalculateWeeklyTraining() {
// arrange
let sut = Challenge() // creating an instance of Challenge
let sutExpectedAverage = 2320 // feet elevation per week
let metric = 11_602 // overall elevation challenge
let numberOfWeeksForChallenge = 5 // weeks
// act
let weeklyTraining = sut.calculateWeeklyTraining(for: Double(metric), and: numberOfWeeksForChallenge)
// assert
XCTAssertEqual(sutExpectedAverage, weeklyTraining, "\(weeklyTraining) should be equal to \(sutExpectedAverage)")
func testDivisionBy0ReturnsNegativeOne() {
// arrange
let sut = Challenge()
let metric: Double = 11_602
let numberOfWeeksForChallenge = 0
let expectedOutput = -1
// act
let sutOutput = sut.calculateWeeklyTraining(for: metric, and: numberOfWeeksForChallenge)
// assert
XCTAssertEqual(sutOutput, expectedOutput)
// TDD - Test driven developement:
You start off writing a unit test until it fails (or a compiler error), then go to production code e.g Challenge.swift file,
fix the failure until the test passes, continue writing unit test until failure again and continue the cycle
func testAverageDailyMetric() {
// arrange
let sut = Challenge()
let sutWeeklyTotalMetric = 2320 // total elevation
let expectedDailyAverage = 773 // elevation per day
let numberOfWorkoutDays = 3 // days
// act
// averageTrainingPerWeek expects to return 773
let averageDailyTraining = sut.averageTrainingPerWeek(challengeMetric: sutWeeklyTotalMetric, numberOfWorkoutDays: numberOfWorkoutDays)
// assert
XCTAssertEqual(averageDailyTraining, expectedDailyAverage, "\(averageDailyTraining) should be equal to \(expectedDailyAverage)")