
Functions, recursion and the call stack.

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Functions, Recursion and the Call Stack

Functions, recursion and the call stack.

Tuple return types

func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int)? {
  guard let first = array.first else {
    return nil
  var currMin = first
  var currMax = first
  for value in array {
    if value < currMin {
      currMin = value
    } else if value > currMax {
      currMax = value
  return (currMin, currMax)

print(minMax(array: [4, 1, 3, 11, 9, -89, 3, 0]) ?? (0, 0)) // (min: -89, max: 11)

Implicit return

func communityGreeting(_ cohort: String) -> String {
  "Hello, \(cohort)!"

communityGreeting("iOS") // Hello, iOS!

Default Parameter Values

func currentCohort(_ cohort: Double = 6.0) {
  print("Current cohort is \(cohort)")

currentCohort() // Current cohort is 6.0
currentCohort(7.0) // Current cohort is 7.0

Variadic Parameters

func networkingList(_ friends: String...) { // syntax is 3 trailing dots after the Data type
  guard !friends.isEmpty else {
    print("Le't do some more networking.")
  for friend in friends {
    print("\(friend) is now a friend")

networkingList() // no current network, variadic argument can be omitted

networkingList("Kim") // Kim is now a friend

networkingList("Nancy", "David")
 Nancy is now a friend
 David is now a friend

A function may have at most one variadic parameter.

In-Out Parameters

func updateLastName(_ name: inout String) {
  let splitNames = name.split(separator: " ")
  let firstName = splitNames[0]
  name = "\(firstName) Appleseed"

var fullname = "Alex Paul"

print(fullname) // Alex Pual


print(fullname) // Alex Appleseed


Recursion is defined as a function that calls iteself.

Recall: Whenever writing a recursive function the most important 2 factors are:

  1. The base case.
  2. The recursive call.

Write a function that recursively calculates the power() of a given number.

input: base number and exponent
output: the power of the given base number

recusion call stack sketch

func power(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
  // 1
  guard y > 1 else {
    return x
  // 2
  return x * power(x: x, y: y - 1)

print(power(x: 2, y: 3)) // 8
  1. Base case.
  2. Recursive call.

Command Line Tool showing recusion and call stack

In the gif below we use a command line tool to go through the call stack and visualize the calls from the recursive function power(x_:, y_:) from the sketch above.

call stack


Challenge 1.

Write a function that uses recursion to print the values this given Linked List.

class Node {
  var value: Int
  var next: Node?
  init(_ value: Int) {
    self.value = value

let node1 = Node(1)
let node2 = Node(2)
let node3 = Node(3)

node1.next = node2
node2.next = node3
func printNode(_ node: Node?) {
  // 1
  guard let node = node else {
  // 3
  print("\(node.value)", terminator: " ") // 1 2 3 
  // 2
  // 4 
  //print("\(node.value)", terminator: " ") // 3 2 1

  1. Base case
  2. Recursive call
  3. Print value of current node
  4. If we were to print the node values after the function returns at each recursive call the values would be reversed.

Challenge 2


Challenge 3

LeetCode - Nth Tribonacci Number

Challenge 4

HackerRank - Coin Change Problem


  1. Swift by Sundell - The power of variadic parameters
  2. Swift Programming Language - Functions
  3. Pursuit DSA Repo
  4. Dynamic Programming