Hash Table implementation in Swift.
Apple documentation: A dictionary is a type of hash table, providing fast access to the entries it contains. Each entry in the table is identified using its key, which is a hashable type such as a string or number. You use that key to retrieve the corresponding value, which can be any object. In other languages, similar data types are known as hashes or associated arrays.
The hash function calculates a hash value that will be used to determine which index in the buckets
array to store the key, value
var buckets = Array(repeating: [], count: 5)
let index = abs("alex".hashValue % buckets.count)
print(index) // index 4 - this index will vary as a new hash value is calculated every time
Collision occurs when more than one element uses the same index. In our example we will be resolving collisions by using separate chaining
struct HashTable<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private typealias Element = (key: Key, value: Value)
private typealias Bucket = [Element]
private var buckets: [Bucket]
private (set) public var count = 0
init(capacity: Int) {
assert(capacity > 0)
buckets = Array(repeating: [], count: capacity)
private func index(for key: Key) -> Int {
return abs(key.hashValue % buckets.count)
public mutating func update(value: Value, for key: Key) -> Value? {
let index = self.index(for: key)
for (i, element) in buckets[index].enumerated() {
if element.key == key {
let oldValue = element.value
buckets[index][i].value = value
return oldValue
let element = Element(key, value)
count += 1
return nil
public func value(for key: Key) -> Value? {
let index = self.index(for: key)
for (_, element) in buckets[index].enumerated() {
if element.key == key {
return element.value
return nil
public mutating func removeValue(for key: Key) -> Value? {
let index = self.index(for: key)
for (i, element) in buckets[index].enumerated() {
if element.key == key {
let removedValue = element.value
buckets[index].remove(at: i)
count -= 1
return removedValue
return nil
subscript(_ key: Key) -> Value? {
set {
if let value = newValue {
update(value: value, for: key)
} else {
removeValue(for: key)
} get {
return value(for: key)
var jobSearch = HashTable<String, String>(capacity: 10)
jobSearch.update(value: "Applied", for: "Apple") // nil
jobSearch["Google"] = "Rejected" // Rejected
jobSearch["Zoc Doc"] = "Need to Apply"
jobSearch["Bloomberg"] = "Applied"
jobSearch["Fox"] = "Interview"
jobSearch.count // 2
// HashTable<String, String>(buckets: [[], [(key: "Google", value: "Rejected")], [], [(key: "Zoc Doc", value: "Need to Apply")], [], [], [], [(key: "Apple", value: "Applied"), (key: "Fox", value: "Interview")], [], [(key: "Bloomberg", value: "Applied")]], count: 5)
jobSearch.update(value: "Offer", for: "Apple")
// HashTable<String, String>(buckets: [[], [(key: "Google", value: "Rejected")], [], [(key: "Zoc Doc", value: "Need to Apply")], [], [], [], [(key: "Apple", value: "Offer"), (key: "Fox", value: "Interview")], [], [(key: "Bloomberg", value: "Applied")]], count: 5)
jobSearch["Fox"] = nil
jobSearch.removeValue(for: "Fox")
// HashTable<String, String>(buckets: [[], [(key: "Google", value: "Rejected")], [], [(key: "Zoc Doc", value: "Need to Apply")], [], [], [], [(key: "Apple", value: "Offer")], [], [(key: "Bloomberg", value: "Applied")]], count: 5)