
Introduction to UITableViews and UITableViewDataSource. In the process we overviewed UITableViewCell, IndexPath and what it means to dequeue a cell.

Primary LanguageSwift


Introduction to UITableViews and UITableViewDataSource. In the process we overviewed UITableViewCell, IndexPath and what it means to dequeue a cell.

Key classess and methods

Topics Covered - Introduction

  • UITableView
  • cells can be static or dynamic
  • prototype cell
  • reuse identifier e.g "countryCell"
  • dataSource object (WE NEED TO SET THE DATASOURCE OBJECT e.g tableView.dataSource = self), configured in viewDidLoad()
  • UITableViewDataSource - 2 required methods
  • first required method is numberOfRows()
  • second required methods is cellForRow()
  • dequeueCell - recycles a cell if in memory, if not it creates a new cell
  • [indexPath.row] - gets object for row at current indexPath
  • UIBarButtonItem - button in navigation bar
  • extension {...} - used to extend a class, in our case to conform to the UITableViewDataSource

Topics Covered - Table View Sections

  • UITabBarController
  • UITabItem
  • viewControllers relationship segue connects a tab bar controller to a view controller
  • Array(repeating: , count: )
  • numberOfSections() - UITableViewDataSource method, returns number of sections in the table view
  • titleForHeaderInSection() - UITableViewDataSource method, returns a String for each section header
  • prepare(for segue: ) - here you set the data to be passed to the destination view controller
  • segue.destination
  • segue.source
  • tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
  • [indexPath.section][indexPath.row] - gets thte section and the row at the current indexPath

TableView uses a dynamic prototype subtitle cell

tableview 1

TableView sections, UITabBarController

tableview sections

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