
Introduction to Terminal, Git, Unix and Github

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  • Introduction to Terminal, Git and Github


  • cd ~/Documents - navigating through directories
  • pwd - present working directory
  • ls - list contents of current directory
  • ls -a - show hidden files in current directory
  • mkdir "directory/folder name" - create a folder
  • cd "directory name"
  • echo "Terminal Introduction" >> README.md - creates a file with markdown extension
  • touch "filename.extension" - also creates a file
  • open "filename" - opens up that file for editing
  • rm "filename" - delete file from filesystem
  • rm -rf "folder name" - delete a folder from the file system

vi - Visual Editor

vi resource

  • vi "filename" - opens filename is already exist or creates the filename and opens up the editor
  • esc - command mode
  • i - insert mode (here you can edit your file)
  • :w - save the file (you need to be in command mode)
  • :wq - save the file and exit vi


  • git init - create a local git repository
  • git status - monitor changes in the staging area
  • git add "filename" - add "filename" to the staging area
  • git commit -m "initial commit" - add a message to the commit
  • git remote add origin - create a handle to the remote repo
  • git push --set upstream origin master - set the remote upstream
  • git push - push changes to the remote branch
  • git pull - get the latest updates from the remote branch
  • git clone - copy a clone to your local machine


signup for a Github account

Reading Resources

Storing your github credentials in Terminal

$ git config --global user.name "your username"
$ git config --global user.password "your password"