
An extension of react-navigation that makes your header collapsible.

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An extension of react-navigation that makes your header collapsible.

Try out on Expo Snack

Compatibility 🚧

react-navigation react-navigation-collapsible Documentation
≥ v5 (latest) v5 (latest) current
≥ v3 v3 v3-4 branch
v2 v2 v2 branch

🏗 The Callapsible Tab-navigator is no longer supported due to the Android bug from react-native.


1-1. Default Header

import { createCollapsibleStack } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';

function App() {
  return (
        /* Wrap your Stack.Screen */
              headerStyle: { backgroundColor: 'green' },
              title: 'Home',
            collapsedColor: 'red' /* Optional */,
            useNativeDriver: true /* Optional, default: true */,
import { Animated } from 'react-native';
import { useCollapsibleStack } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';

const MyScreen = ({ navigation, route }) => {
  const {
    onScroll /* Event handler */,
    onScrollWithListener /* Event handler creator */,
    containerPaddingTop /* number */,
    scrollIndicatorInsetTop /* number */,
    /* Animated.AnimatedInterpolation by scrolling */
    translateY /* 0.0 ~ -headerHeight */,
    progress /* 0.0 ~ 1.0 */,
    opacity /* 1.0 ~ 0.0 */,
  } = useCollapsibleStack();

  /* in case you want to use your listener
  const listener = ({nativeEvent}) => {
  const onScroll = onScrollWithListener(listener);

  return (
      contentContainerStyle={{ paddingTop: containerPaddingTop }}
      scrollIndicatorInsets={{ top: scrollIndicatorInsetTop }}
      /* rest of your stuff */

See /example/App.tsx and /example/src/DefaultHeaderScreen.tsx

1-2. Sticky Header

See /example/src/StickyHeaderScreen.tsx

2. Sub Header (e.g Search Bar)

import { createCollapsibleStackSub } from 'react-navigation-collapsible';
/* use 'createCollapsibleStackSub' instead of 'createCollapsibleStack' */

/* The rest are the same with the default header. */
import { Animated } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-navigation-collapsible';

const MySearchBar = () => (
  <View style={{ padding: 15, width: '100%', height: 60 }}>
    <TextInput placeholder="search here" />

const MyScreen = ({ navigation, route }) => {
  const {
    onScroll /* Event handler */,
    containerPaddingTop /* number */,
    scrollIndicatorInsetTop /* number */,
  } = useCollapsibleStack();

  return (
        contentContainerStyle={{ paddingTop: containerPaddingTop }}
        scrollIndicatorInsets={{ top: scrollIndicatorInsetTop }}
        /* rest of your stuff */
      /* Wrap your component with `CollapsibleStackSub` */
        <MySearchBar />

See /example/App.tsx and /example/src/SubHeaderScreen.tsx


# install module
yarn add react-navigation-collapsible


PR is welcome!

Testing your library code with the example

/example imports the library directly from the root folder, configured with babel-plugin-module-resolver. So, just turn the watch option on at the root folder while you're making changes on the library, and check them on the example.

yarn tsc -w