
Embed and execute SQL in Markdown

Primary LanguagePython

I'm not really using this nowadays, so I'm not maintaining it, really. https://github.com/alexpdp7/pandoc_datalog is what I will focus on when I have some bandwith.


This is a Pandoc filter to do stuff with SQL.

If you use it like:

$ pandoc README.md -F pandocsql -o README.html

, tables defined in the document will not appear in the output; however they will be dumped into an SQLite database...

code description priority
Q1 Banana 7
B2 Apple 1
R7 Orange 3

Table: table_1

And you can run queries which will be displayed as tables:

select *
from table_1
order by priority desc

You can see further examples in the examples folder.


$ pipx install git+https://github.com/alexpdp7/pandocsql.git


$ pandoc README.md -t json | poetry run pandocsql | pandoc -f json -o README.pdf