
Alpine.js multi select component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Alpine.js MultiSelect component


  • Configurable pre-selected option
  • Fast search
  • Configurable searching values
  • Custom template
  • No other JS dependencies


Alpine.js MultiSelect


Install Alpine.js.

The example uses Alpine's Focus plugin, this is optional.

Specify your select element, data-search attribute value used to match against the search string, ignoring upper/lower case differences.

<select style="display:none;" id="multSelect">
    <option value="te_1" data-search="arsenal">Arsenal</option>
    <option value="te_3" data-search="Tottenham Hotspur Spurs">Spurs</option>
    <option value="te_3" data-search="Manchester City">Man City</option>

Initiate the Apline.js component, pre-selected options can be defined by initializing selected property with an array of values. elementId references the select element id defined above.

 <div class="w-full" x-data="alpineMuliSelect({selected:['te_11', 'te_12'], elementId:'multSelect'})">

Add the Alpine component code into your application.

document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
   Alpine.data("alpineMuliSelect", (obj) => ({
       elementId: obj.elementId,
       options: [],
       selected: obj.selected,
       selectedElms: [],
       show: false,
       search: '',
       open() {
           this.show = true
       close() {
           this.show = false
       toggle() {
           this.show = !this.show
       isOpen() {
           return this.show === true
       // Initializing component 
       init() {
           const options = document.getElementById(this.elementId).options;
           for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {

                   value:  options[i].value,
                   text:   options[i].innerText,
                   search: options[i].dataset.search,
                   selected: Object.values(this.selected).includes(options[i].value)

               if (this.options[i].selected) {

           // searching for the given value
           this.$watch("search", (e => {
               this.options = []
               const options = document.getElementById(this.elementId).options;
               Object.values(options).filter((el) => {
                   var reg = new RegExp(this.search, 'gi');
                   return el.dataset.search.match(reg)
               }).forEach((el) => {
                   let newel = {
                       value: el.value,
                       text: el.innerText,
                       search: el.dataset.search,
                       selected: Object.values(this.selected).includes(el.value)
       // clear search field
       clear() {
           this.search = ''
       // deselect selected options
       deselect() {
           setTimeout(() => {
               this.selected = []
               this.selectedElms = []
               Object.keys(this.options).forEach((key) => {
                   this.options[key].selected = false;
           }, 100)
       // select given option
       select(index, event) {
           if (!this.options[index].selected) {
               this.options[index].selected = true;
               this.options[index].element = event.target;

           } else {
               this.selected.splice(this.selected.lastIndexOf(index), 1);
               this.options[index].selected = false
               Object.keys(this.selectedElms).forEach((key) => {
                   if (this.selectedElms[key].value == this.options[index].value) {
                       setTimeout(() => {
                           this.selectedElms.splice(key, 1)
                       }, 100)
       // remove from selected option
       remove(index, option) {
           this.selectedElms.splice(index, 1);
           Object.keys(this.options).forEach((key) => {
               if (this.options[key].value == option.value) {
                   this.options[key].selected = false;
                   Object.keys(this.selected).forEach((skey) => {
                       if (this.selected[skey] == option.value) {
                           this.selected.splice(skey, 1);
       // filter out selected elements
       selectedElements() {
           return this.options.filter(op => op.selected === true)
       // get selected values
       selectedValues() {
           return this.options.filter(op => op.selected === true).map(el => el.value)


Please open an issue on GitHub


Released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENCE file for details.