Unit Review: Disappearing Ghost Project

Project Description

In this project, you will create a Disappearing Ghost App. The Disappearing Ghost App will update the webpage using jQuery event handlers and actions including .append() and .val().

Follow the steps below to make your very own site! Make sure to check off your items as you complete them. [ ] => [x]

Day 1



  • The Hide button should hide the image.
  • The Show button should show the image.
  • The Update Image button should update the image in some way. Make sure to use a jQuery method that takes multiple arguments.
  • The Send Message button should append a message to the bottom of the page.
  • The name button should update the h1 with a name for the ghost.


  • Push your changes!
  • Save and submit your website link using the link on the session agenda.

Project Extensions

  • Extension: Add additional buttons that allow you to practice jQuery.