

This is a Windows 7, 8, 8.1 program (exe) that goes and scapes the "Live" and "Upcoming" matches found on "".

The program is written in C# with the UI being made in WPF.

For the UI part, i am using components from MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit and Material Skin - that is a WPF component library for implementing Google "material design".


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  • The live matches will show up in the list and clicking the "WATCH" will open your current default browser and navigate to the stream URL on gosugamers.
  • Clicking on a "bell" icon will set up a notification for that match. You can minimize the program and let it run in the background. Triggering at least 1 notification will make the list refresh once every minute. When the match is live, you will see a popup window.

Contributions & Feedback

Every piece of feedback is welcome and if you want to contribute, all pull requests are welcome.