
Technical Assignment for the Cognizant / Zone company

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Created by Alex Pilugin as a Technical Assignment for Cognizant / Zone company

Link to the description: https://zone.github.io/frontend/movie-listing-ui

This application requires your own registration on TMDb

This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.

This application uses: TMDb Movies Now Playing API, TMDb Image API

Please use your own API_KEY to have access to TMDb API
Place your own VUE_APP_API_KEY in .env file in the root project folder

This web app is bootstrapped with Vue CLI create a project
This web application support SCSS/SASS preprocessor: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/css.html#pre-processors

TMDb Logos & Attribution

As per our terms of use, every application that uses our data or images is required to properly attribute TMDb as the source. Below you will find some logos you can use within your application. We've also included some basic brand guidelines.

TMBd logo


  • Display a list of movies, each showing their title, genres and poster image.
  • The movies should be ordered by popularity (most popular first - popularity property).
  • Movies should also be filterable by their rating (vote_average property). i.e If rating was set to 5, you would expect to see all movies with a rating of 5 or higher.
  • The input API's should only be called once.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm start

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Fix the issue with SSRI

Regular Expression Denial of Service

ssri 5.2.2-6.0.1 and 7.0.0-8.0.0, processes SRIs using a regular expression which is vulnerable to a denial of service. Malicious SRIs could take an extremely long time to process, leading to denial of service. This issue only affects consumers using the strict option. Remediation
Update to version 6.0.2 or 8.0.1 or later


Desktop Mode

Mobile Mode