
Technical Assignment for Netsells

Primary LanguageVue




When you make a creative work (which includes code), the work is under exclusive copyright by default. Unless you include a license that specifies otherwise, nobody else can copy, distribute, or modify your work without being at risk of take-downs, shake-downs, or litigation.

If a repository has no license, then all rights are reserved and it is not Open Source or Free. You cannot modify or redistribute this code without explicit permission from the copyright holder.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

Form fields

Details of the form fields required and any validation rules are provided below, and should be submitted using the associated field names. Any other validation rules will be returned in the 422 response so be sure to handle them appropriately.

Label Field name Data type Required?
First name first_name string
Last name last_name string
Email email string
Phone number phone_number string
Do you live in the uk? live_in_uk boolean
Git profile git_profile string
Upload CV cv file
Upload Cover Letter cover_letter file
About you about_you string

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.




