Node.js, Javascript, Typescript

  • Describe some of your usage of node.js...

    • What are some of its benefits/disadvantages?
    • Is there a circumstance where you'd choose not to use node.js?
    • Have you ever run into "callback hell" while using node.js? How would you avoid it?
  • What is Typescript?

    • How does it relate to Javascript?
    • What kind of features does it offer that might make codebase management easier?
  • We work a lot with audio in our application, and we often need to figure out whether it's best to do certain processing on the server vs. in the browser. What are some good guidelines for choosing where processing should be done?


  • What are some new browser web APIs you're excited about using?
    • What about HTML5 elements you've used?
    • What's the point of semantic HTML?
    • Are there any alternatives to CSS?


  • What's devops?

    • How does a CI/CD system fit into devops?
    • What are some different ways of deploying an application? Advantages/disadvantages of these?
  • What's the difference between a database like PostgreSQL and a database like DynamoDB?

    • When would you use one over the other?
  • What are some things you can do to make sure your data stays secure in a cloud environment?

  • How would you manage resources in a cloud environment?

  • When would you use a queue in your application?

    • What about a topic/subscription?

Code structure

  • What are some of the ways in which you've structured the code in the products you've worked on?

    • What were the advantages/disadvantages of that structure?
    • If you were able to start something from scratch, how would you structure it?
  • How do you know whether something needs to be refactored?

  • How do you make sure that the code you've written is doing what you expect it to do?

    • How do you make sure your teammates' code is doing what it should do?
  • Once your code is ready to deliver to customers, how do you do that?

  • What are some ways to know that your deployed code is doing what it should be doing?

    • If you find that something isn't working in production, what do you do?

Project management

  • Can you talk about a project that you've seen through to completion?

    • How did you make sure that that project could be worked on by other developers in the future.
  • How do you know what the most important thing to work on is?

  • What role does the customer have in the development process?

    • How do you get from the customer's need to work items a programmer can pick up?
  • Is it worth staying up to date with new technologies/trends?

    • If yes, how do you do it?


  • What do you like/dislike about the place you're currently working?

  • What would your ideal work environment be?

  • What was your former manager like? What makes a good manager?

  • Was there a coworker you didn't get along with in your previous position? How did you deal with them?

  • How would you resolve a difference of opinion between two developers? Can you talk about how you've done this in the past?