
Lightweight proxy service to make it easy to send data to Azure Log Analytics.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Send data to Azure Log Analytics with one line of code:

curl -X POST -d '{"hello":"2021"}'

^ this assumes the data-proxy service is listening for requests on TCP port 4000. See more details below.

Spin the service quickly via docker

docker pull alexpop/data-proxy:latest

docker run --name=data-proxy-container --rm -p -e "CONFIG_YAML=$(cat ~/data-proxy-config.yaml)" alexpop/data-proxy:latest

^ where ~/data-proxy-config.yaml is a local config file with the workspaces to allow the service to send data to. Use config-sample.yaml in this repo as an example.

  • or build the service from source with the instructions below

Build Dependencies

Tested with these versions:

$ go version
go version go1.14.8 linux/amd64

$ git --version
git version 2.27.0

Start the API locally

go get

# Compile and run it with go:
go run *.go config-sample.yaml

# or you can compile the binary and then execute it:
./make.sh build-linux   # tested on Ubuntu
./make.sh build-mac     # tested on macOS Catalina
./data-proxy config-sample.yaml

API endpoints in the form of HTTP VERB: URL

GET: $URI/version

Shows version of the service and sha256 sum of the api binary, for example:

  "data": {
    "binary_version": "v1.1.0-1-gd8d0b37",
    "binary_sha256": "e5b4a33ca29d21d25f7fb211315293705844e8b76bbe99f58ad5d688bd72d520"

POST: $URI/azure/workspace/:workspace_id/log/:log_name

Forwards the payload of the request to Azure Log Analytics, where:

  • :workspace_id is the UUID of the workspace. Must match one of the workspace ids in the config file that the service is started with. A name, as defined in the workspace name can be used here as well.
  • :log_name is the name of the Azure Analytics log where data will end up. For a log_name of ProxyTest, your data will be visible under ProxyTest_CL. It can take up to five minutes for a new log to be visible in the Log Analytics dashboard.

GET: $URI/stats

Shows basic stats related to the response codes of the service since start time, for example:

  "data": {
    "start_time": "2021-01-03T22:11:32Z",
    "response_codes": {
      "200": 234,
      "404": 11,
      "503": 4

Example API calls with curl

# Get the version of the service
curl -X GET

# Send json data to the 'ProxyTest_CL' log using the workspace id
curl -X POST -d '{"hello":"world1"}'

# Send json data to the 'ProxyTest_CL' log using the workspace name
curl -X POST -d '{"hello":"world2"}'

# Get service stats
curl -X GET

Build docker image

This repository contains a Dockerfile that uses a minimal alpine container to copy the compiled binary in. To run the container, you have to build the binary and provide the yaml content of the config file of the service via the CONFIG_YAML ENV variable.

# Build the binary that will be copied in the container
./make.sh build-alpine

# Build the docker file locally
docker build --tag data-proxy .

# Create a config file for the service (e.g. ~/data-proxy-config.yaml) with your azure workspaces. Use config-sample.yaml in this repo as an example.

# Run the API interactively in a container and listen on localhost (, TCP port 4000
docker run --name=data-proxy-container --rm -p -e "CONFIG_YAML=$(cat ~/data-proxy-config.yaml)" data-proxy