
This application is generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout.

Start Docker Services

docker-compose up

Or without docker...

Install dependencies

By default, dependencies were installed when this application was generated. Whenever dependencies in package.json are changed, run the following command:

yarn install

Run the application

yarn start

You can also run node . to skip the build step.

Open in your browser.

Rebuild the project

To incrementally build the project:

yarn run build

To force a full build by cleaning up cached artifacts:

yarn run rebuild

Fix code style and formatting issues

yarn run lint

To automatically fix such issues:

yarn run lint:fix

Other useful commands

  • yarn run migrate: Migrate database schemas for models
  • yarn run openapi-spec: Generate OpenAPI spec into a file
  • yarn run docker:build: Build a Docker image for this application
  • yarn run docker:run: Run this application inside a Docker container


yarn test

What's next

Please check out LoopBack 4 documentation to understand how you can continue to add features to this application.


LoopBack 4 Essential CLI Commands

Table of Contents

  1. Model
  2. Controller
  3. Service
  4. DataSource
  5. Repository
  6. Relation


  • Command:

    lb4 model
  • Explanation:
    Generates a new model in the src/models/ directory.

  • Example:

    lb4 model MyModel


  • Command:

    lb4 controller
  • Explanation:
    Creates a new controller in the src/controllers/ directory.

  • Example:

    lb4 controller MyController


  • Command:

    lb4 service
  • Explanation:
    Generates a new service in the src/services/ directory.

  • Example:

    lb4 service MyService


  • Command:

    lb4 datasource
  • Explanation:
    Creates a new DataSource configuration in the src/datasources/ directory.

  • Example:

    lb4 datasource MyDataSource


  • Command:

    lb4 repository
  • Explanation:
    Creates a new repository in the src/repositories/ directory.

  • Example:

    lb4 repository MyRepository


  • Command:

    lb4 relation
  • Explanation:
    Sets up a new relation between existing models.

  • Example:

    lb4 relation

    This will guide you through a series of questions to establish a new relation.