Reusable Custom WordPress Meta Boxes
Version: 0.2
Contributors: tammyhart
Original Tutorial Series: (
This project was originally a tutorial for WPTuts+, but as I continued to use the code in my own projects, I kept improving it and making the resusable part even better. Rather than update the tutorial, I decided to make it an open source project here where developers can keep up with improvements as well as contribute their own.
This project creates a class which makes it easy to create a custom meta box for any post type using a master switch case for the meta box and fields HTML and an array containing the data for the fields you want to use.
Fields Included
- Text Input
- Textarea
- Single checkbox
- Select box
- Radio group
- Checkbox group
- Taxonomy Select box
- Post ID select box
- jQuery UI Date input
- jQuery UI Slider
- Image ID field
- Repeatable & Sortable Text inputs
Not all fields are covered yet in the included example, and yes I know my documentation isn't that great. Contributions are welcome!!
These files are written from the perspecitve of being used in a theme.
- Add the metaboxes directory in your theme or plugin.
- Include metaboxes/meta_box.php in your functions.php.
- Use the class to create add meta boxes to any post type (see Examples section below or inc/sample.php)
Create an array that contains the field data (full examples of each filed type found in inc/sample.php)
$prefix = 'sample_';
$fields = array(
array( // Text Input
'label' => 'Text Input', // <label>
'desc' => 'A description for the field.', // description
'id' => $prefix.'text', // field id and name
'type' => 'text' // type of field
array( // Textarea
'label' => 'Textarea', // <label>
'desc' => 'A description for the field.', // description
'id' => $prefix.'textarea', // field id and name
'type' => 'textarea' // type of field
Instantiate the class with all required variables
* Instantiate the class with all variables to create a meta box
* var $id string meta box id
* var $title string title
* var $fields array fields
* var $page string|array post type to add meta box to
* var $js bool including javascript or not
$sample_box = new custom_add_meta_box( 'sample_box', 'Sample Box', $fields, 'post', true );
0.3 (November 10, 2012)
- Added file field
- Added function to simplify the add file and add image thickbox
- added more fields to the Repeatable
- Added "chosen" and "multiple" options to select fields
- Added "post_drop" field
0.2 (September 11, 2012)
- Functions combined into a class
- Major code cleanup and some docing added
0.1 (March 31, 2012)
- First release