
These are the reference projects for my Eclipse 4 Application Platform tutorial.

Primary LanguageJava


These are the reference projects for my Eclipse 4 Application Platform tutorial.

Tycho Build

  • Have Maven 3 installed
  • Clone this Git repo
  • Open a shell in project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts.build.tycho
  • Run command "mvn clean install"
  • Wait a while (first build takes long) until the build succeeds
  • The results for Win (32/64) and Linux GTK (32/64) and Mac Cocoa (32/64) are in project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts.product/target/products

e4 Application Model Extension

  • In the project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts.model.application you find a small extension to the Eclipse 4 application model
  • This extension is used in the Application-with-extension.xmi file of project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts
  • To open the Application-with-extension.xmi in your running Eclipse IDE (in model editors), you have to export the project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts.model.application in to your running IDE.
  • To export, open MANIFEST.MF, in the Overview-Tab click on "Export Wizard" and then choose "Install into host. Repository:"
  • Restart your Eclipse SDK, now you should be able to open Application.e4xmi
  • If you don't want to install the model extension into your running Eclipse SDK, you could just start a new Eclipse SDK instance and make sure that the project org.eclipse.e4.tutorial.contacts.model.application is checked in the Run-Configuration.


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