
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Pomodoro AI

Pomodoro AI Application Preview

Enhance productivity with the Pomodoro Timer featuring AI integration and a voice assistant. Developed with Python and Tkinter, it helps manage work and break intervals and motivates with quotes from OpenAI.

Key Features

  • Discuss tasks with AI to plan work sessions
  • Customize work and break durations
  • Displays inspirational quotes from OpenAI
  • User-friendly interface with audible alerts


  • macOS (tested on 14.4.1)
  • Python 3.11 or higher
  • Tkinter (included with Python on macOS)
  • OpenAI Python package
  • Valid OpenAI API key
  • Stable internet connection

Setup Instructions

1. Install Python

Download and install Python 3.11 or higher from python.org.

2. Clone the Repository

Clone and navigate to the repository:

git clone https://github.com/alexpwrd/pomodoro-ai.git
cd pomodoro-ai

3. Create a Virtual Environment

Creating a virtual environment is optional but recommended to manage dependencies separately from your global Python installation.

Using Python's venv

python -m venv pomodoro-ai-env
source pomodoro-ai-env/bin/activate # Use pomodoro-ai-env Scripts activate on Windows

Using Miniconda

If you prefer using Miniconda, first ensure that Miniconda is installed on your system. You can download it from Miniconda's website. Then create and activate the environment:

conda create --name pomodoro-ai-env python=3.11
conda activate pomodoro-ai-env

4. Install PortAudio

Install PortAudio. This is required by the sounddevice library to stream audio.

For macOS:

brew install portaudio

For Debian / Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev


Windows may work without having to install PortAudio explicitly (it will get installed with sounddevice).

5. Install Dependencies

Install all required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Run the Application

Start the application with:

python pomodoro.py # or python3 pomodoro.py

7. Obtain an OpenAI API Key

Get an OpenAI API key by signing up at OpenAI.

8. Configure Application Settings & Set API Keys

After launching the Pomodoro AI application, personalize and configure your settings through the application's settings interface:

  1. Access Settings: Open the settings menu from the main interface of the application.
  2. User Information:
    • User Name: Enter your name to personalize the interaction with the AI.
    • Profession: Provide your profession to help the AI tailor motivational messages and suggestions.
  3. OpenAI API Key:
    • Enter API Key: Input your valid OpenAI API key in the designated field. This key enables the AI functionalities within the app.
  4. Save Changes: Click the 'Save' button to apply your settings.

Application Settings Interface

Reopening the Application

After setting up and configuring the application, you can start using it by following these steps:

  1. Open Terminal: Navigate to the terminal or command prompt on your device.

  2. Activate the Virtual Environment (if you created one during setup):

    • On macOS or Linux:
      source pomodoro-ai-env/bin/activate
    • On Windows:
      pomodoro-ai-env Scripts activate
  3. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd path/to/pomodoro-ai
  4. Run the Application:

    python pomodoro.py # or python3 pomodoro.py if python3 is the specific command on your system

This will launch the Pomodoro AI application, and you can start using the features such as the AI voice assistant and the customizable Pomodoro timer.

Using the Application

Voice Assistant

  • Activate: Click "Talk to AI" in the main interface.
  • Command: Speak clearly into your microphone.
  • Feedback: Receive guidance directly in the app.

Pomodoro Timer

  • Setup: Ensure you're in the project directory and the virtual environment is active.
  • Start: Run the application and use the interface to set durations and control the timer.
  • Motivation: Get motivational quotes during breaks and audible alerts for session transitions.

Enjoy a more productive workflow with your AI-enhanced Pomodoro Timer!

License: CC BY-NC 4.0