This repository gathers various RnD or POC project related to post-processing effects on a 3D scene using processing. Some of them are related to the Various-RnD repository


  • DepthCopyModel : simple Depth buffer copy modle by Nacho Cossio
  • DoF : Depth of Field 1
  • DoF_2 : Depth of Field 2 (tends to leak on edges)
  • DoF_3 : Depth of Field 3 (hexagonal blur)
  • ecVertex_based : retreive normal from depth buffer
  • FOGS : Shader FOG
  • GodRay : God Ray simulation
  • NormalFromDepth : retreive normal in screen space from depth buffer
  • NormalFromDepth2 : retreive normal in screen space from depth buffer (broken)
  • NormalFromDepth3 : retreive normal in screen space from depth buffer
  • SSAO 1 to 4 : various SSAO (changes are on ss normal computation)
  • SSFOGS : Screen space fog 1
  • SSFOGS 2 : Screen space fog 2 using noise and modify sun power
  • SSMS : Screen space multiple scattering 1
  • SSMS + GodRay : Screen space multiple scattering + god rays