1. Applying the design-first approach, using an API design tool of your choice, please design a RESTful "Ticketing" API for the following requirements:
  • Everyone can see the tickets -> Done

  • Only authenticated users can sale or purchase tickets ->

    • de facut entry-point pentru sell si buy
    • facut trei roluri, unul de admin, unul de seller si unul de buyer
    • securizat datele folosind un DTO pentru a ascunde informatiile neesentiale
  • Only the ticket owner can modify the ticket (e.g. change price) -> Done

    • implementan sistem de autentificare cu JWT Token
    • pus in claim numele si rolul utilizatorului
    • pus restrictii pe entry-point-ul de PUT
  1. Please implement only the endpoint for updating a ticket described by your design using ASP.NET WebAPI, preferably in C#.


  • API design specification for the indicated requirements

  • API usage workflows (simplified schema or description) that you envisioned for your design proposal

  • Implementation of the indicated endpoint (updating a ticket), functional, to be tested with Postman