
An extension of stack trace that allows to discover the caller and arguments that were used to call any method in the execution chain.

Primary LanguageJava



Java provides StackTrace and starting from java 1.4 we can use StackTraceElement:

StackTraceElement[] elements = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
for(StackTraceElement element : elements) {

We can retrieve some information about caller of any method. However:

  1. file name and line number are almost useless when source code is unavailable
  2. className is a string, so to get information about the Class we have to invoke performance expensive Class.forName()
  3. methodName does not allow to distinguish between overloaded versions of method.
  4. there is no information about object that called current method and its state.
  5. we cannot retrieve the real arguments used to invoke specific method.

CallStack solves all these problems.


CallStack is a small AspectJ dependent pure java library that retrieves information about sequence of methods called by current thread:

  1. Method and its prototype
  2. Class where the method is declared
  3. This - object that called current method.
  4. Arguments used to call the method.

All this information is available for all methods in current call sequence, i.e. typically starts from main() method for the main thread or from run() method for all other threads. By other words it gives the same information that can be retrieved when using debuger but at runtime.


Code sample

It is very easy to use CallStack:

CallStackElement<?>[] elements = CallStack.getCallStack();
for(CallStackElement element : elements) {
	element.getThis(); // object that called current method.  
	element.getArgs(); // object array of arguments used to call current method or constructor
	element.getFunction(); // returns either Method or Constructor
	element.getThread(); // thread where the call was done. Useful in multithreaded application if call stack is passed to other thread for processing.
	element.getStackTraceElement(); // the good old stack trace is available here too.


CallStack uses AspectJ dynamic weaving. Just add the following command line parameter when running your application: -javaagent:ASPECTJ_PATH/aspectjweaver-1.8.0.jar. For details please refer to this document.

Use cases

CallStack can be used in the same cases when AOP can be used, e.g. logging, security check etc. For example you can implement generic method that logs all arguments passed to method that called it and use as following:

public void someBusinessMethod(String s, int n) {

Method logArgs() does not get arguments directly. It retrieves them using CallStack:

public static void logArgs() {
    CallStackElement<?> caller = CallStack.getCallStack()[1];
    logger.info("Method " + caller.getDeclaredType() + "@" + caller.getMethod().getName(), caller.getArgs());