- 49
- 5
MAUI support
#604 opened by orwo1 - 4
not appearing on Android while ok on iOS
#593 opened by torelizer - 4
CarouselView does not appear on app start
#599 opened by WorldOfBasti - 0
- 0
Last item in carouselview is not showing
#606 opened by peterfelixa - 1
Child Elements are not cleared while using the templates of CarouselView.FormsPlugin when Dispose(UWP).
#581 opened by mugundhan-saravanan - 0
Couldn't Viewable Frame Bottom Content Something Covered Bottom Area on Xamairn IOS
#603 opened by UdayaDevConsole - 0
PeekAreaInsets property not found
#602 opened by dipakdshinde - 0
Xamarin UWP Position Property does not update
#601 opened by Ness42 - 0
Using Xamarin.Forms with upgrade to version 6.0, iOS does not exist in the namespace CarouselView.FormsPlugin
#600 opened by netdevjamie - 5
- 4
[iOS] ShowIndicators at false doesnt work
#591 opened by quentinR0bert - 3
- 0
first view is empty sometimes on version 6
#596 opened by pmahend1 - 2
- 6
[BUG][Android] Crash when CarouselView is nested in a ScrollView, inside a TabViewItem (XCT)
#592 opened by Kapusch - 1
[Request] Start loading the next & previous view
#595 opened by yonkahlon - 0
- 1
- 1
Array of ContentPage as ItemsSource
#562 opened by dalton5 - 1
Arrows appear for only one record in iOS
#571 opened by Druffl3 - 0
- 2
- 0
1 mb nuget size?
#590 opened by EmilAlipiev - 0
error: invalid path '.vs/CarouselView/xs/project-cache/Demo.iOS-Debug|iPhoneSimulator.json'
#589 opened by christosk92 - 1
iOS: Elements inside carousel are not accessible
#587 opened by tnapes96 - 1
Error linking release version 6.0
#588 opened by dsancho - 0
Rotate mobile orientation
#586 opened by RenatGaliew - 3
Is there any way to cancel the swipe?
#574 opened by rodrigojuarez - 1
Focus on Element with VerticalTextAlignment causes CarouselView to reset to start
#580 opened by GeoSaffer - 0
Carousel is empty, ItemTemplate is missing after calling PushModalAsync() on Android
#584 opened by wegascee - 1
.NET Standard 2.0
#583 opened by Carlopaalma - 1
IOS: swipe right
#577 opened by csk1nner - 1
[Question] Correct package
#575 opened by balivo - 1
ArrowsTintColor, ArrowsTransparency & ArrowsBackgroundColor properties not handled for UWP
#573 opened by karthim20 - 1
UWP "Release" mode?
#576 opened by plettb - 2
iOS: Rendering issue
#565 opened by davidtabor90 - 2
[Enhancement] Selected Item
#555 opened by Alex-Dobrynin - 16
[Bug] Crash if using CarouselView in ScrollView
#560 opened by SymxnCreator - 1
Indicators on top
#559 opened by dalton5 - 3
Dependency version conflict
#568 opened by RomanPoschl - 1
iOS: When changing the position after ItemsSource is changed, the item order is invalid
#570 opened by irinakush - 1
#564 opened by RafaelVieira2323 - 0
- 1
[Bug]Urgent: Unable to convert instance of type 'Com.ViewPagerIndicator.CirclePageIndicator_Fix' to type 'Com.ViewPagerIndicator.CirclePageIndicator
#569 opened by dalton5 - 1
Swipe support on UWP available?
#566 opened by Mittchel - 6
- 1
Multiple CarouselViews on single page
#558 opened by reimaginesoft - 0