
Discord bot to help coders discuss their codes in discord, compile and run code from the chat and instantly get help and resources from the internet

Primary LanguagePython

Campus Hackathon 2021

Meet Our Brand New Bot CodeAssist- The most powerful bot of the 21st century

Developed with ❤️ by Aditya Singh, Sreemanti Dey and Raj Shah [Team Blind_Guess]

To Host our Bot:

You need to install a number of packages:

  • pip install discord
  • pip install lxml
  • pip install bs4
  • pip install youtube-search


  • As a host: Go to Discord Developers Portal and make a bot. Then run this python code by entering python3 main.py TOKEN in your commandline console from the directory of this repo with the token of your bot.
  • As an admin of a server: Invite the bot to your server. Simply get the invite link from the host and you are done.
  • As an user: You can type $help and you will get a list of instructions how to use our bot.

How to Use

Code Compilation and Run: Available in 5 languages c#, java, python, c++, c
To see a demo source format type $demo <language-name>
uh oh you did an error. No worries, I am here. You see solutions of those errors automatically.

Not all of us are perfect. Doubts will still be there.
To refer to StackOverflow type $stack <your_doubt>
To refer to DuckDuckGo type $duck <your_doubt>

Now you may need to refer to your codes during discussions (or to show off maybe?)
To refer to CodeChef any contest any submission type $codechef <username> <contest_id> <question_id> <beg> <end> <file_extension>
eg $codechef alexrider START1C COUPON2 10 20 cpp
To refer to a github repo file type $github <username> <repo_name> <branch> <path_to_file> <beg> <end>
eg $github alexriderspy Web-Scraping main Moodle/moodleLogin.py 5 20

Tired of coding? Don't fret I have refreshments too. Type $comic and see what happens XD
Missing Youtube? I have it here for you too. Type $youtube <search-query> and enjoy yourselves ;)
Hope you enjoy your journey with me :)
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example