
The tiniest http endpoints simulator

Primary LanguageGo

The tiniest HTTP endpoints simulator

Go Report Card Download shield



Download your binary here

On terminal

$ endpoints 

Or, if you are into containers

On terminal

$ docker run ghcr.io/alexrios/endpoints:latest

You should see

INFO[0000] [GET] / -> 200 with body -> customBody.json 
INFO[0000] Listen at :8080                              


  • address - ":8080"
  • method - "GET"
  • latency - 0ms
  • status code - 200

Configuration file


All features example:

  "address": ":8080",
  "responses": [
      "path": "/",
      "status": 201,
      "latency": "400ms",
      "method": "POST",
      "json_body": "customBody.json"

Note: json_body is the file location of the body file.

Body interpolation with path variables

Now you want to interpolate an identifier on the response body. How to do it?

Let's add another response on responses.

  "address": ":8080",
  "responses": [
      "path": "/",
      "status": 200,
      "latency": "400ms",
      "method": "POST",
      "json_body": "customBody.json"
      "path": "/{id}/sales",
      "status": 201,
      "latency": "400ms",
      "method": "GET",
      "json_body": "interpolated.json"

And now, we'll use templating notation to use this response body as a template.

  "id": {{ .id}}


This project is under development.