
Testing the Nogn for Gridsome plugin with Craft CMS.

Primary LanguageTwig

Nogn Test


  • PHP 7.3.25
  • MySQL 5.7.32
  • Craft 3.6.6
  • Node 14.5.5
  • NPM 6.14.11

NOTE: We're using NVM to manage Node versions.

Craft CMS Setup

In the /craft/ directory...

  1. Run composer install
  2. Setup a server that points to a test URL (e.g. http://nogn.test/)
  3. Load the database backup from /craft/db/.
  4. Run php craft setup.
  5. Edit .env and update the PRIMARY_SITE_URL var with the test server's URL.

Admin user account

user: admin
password: nogntest

Gridsome Setup

From the /gridsome/ directory...

  1. Run npm install
  2. Copy .env.exmaple to .env. Update the settings in .env with the Craft site's local api URL.

Now you're ready to run Gridsome!

$ gridsome develop