
Repo for Introduction to Twine Workshop taught at Amherst College, Jan. 2019. Open and free for others to use as well! Hosted at https://twine.alexroseb.com

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to Introduction to Twine!
Instructor: Alex Brenon, Five College Blended Learning and Digital Humanities Fellow
Time: January 22-24, 1pm - 4pm
Location: Converse Hall 209

Day 1 - Getting Started

Sample Games

  • Birdland
    • A surrealist piece of interactive fiction
    • Uses variables to store "mood levels" that prevent/let you take certain actions
    • Reviews of Birdland - The game is novella-length (although can be paused at will), but I'd strongly suggest at least reading the reviews and playing a bit of it.
    • Play as an unemployed adult forced to make tough choices
    • More gamified than some of the others
    • Educational, helps players understand experiences that may be foreign to their own
  • Queers In Love at the End of the World
    • Very personal and emotional
    • Shows how Twine can be extended with more features like a timer
  • What You Can Save
    • Go through the process of preserving your favorite films
    • Takes user input and incorporates it
  • Games by Porpentine
    • One of the most well-known Twine writers/creators
    • Some games very NSFW - proceed at your own risk
    • About Porpentine
  • Other Games

Use Twine online or download Twine.

Game Idea Resources

Day 2

Introduction to Syntax
Archive of "Introduction to Syntax" Game - Right-click on this link and choose "Save link as...", then in Twine, choose "Import From File" on the right-hand sidebar and upload this file.


Day 3

Publishing Platforms

  • Submit your game to be published on this site
    • Create an issue titled with the name of your game
    • Include any important information in the issue summary, including how you'd like to be credited and a the topic of your game
    • Upload all files necessary for your game (if there are multiple, it's easiest to upload a single zip file holding all of them)
  • philome.la - Free Twine hosting
    • If you have a Twitter account, you can host a game here for free
    • Main caveat: Can't upload images or other media that go with the game
  • GitHub Pages
    • Create/log into GitHub account
    • Create repository named [your-username].github.io
    • Rename your game file to 'index.html'
    • Upload your game file and any other files to your new repository
    • Visit [your-username].github.io to see your game up and running! (Give it a few minutes to compile first)

General Resources

Contact Me

Email: abrenon@umass.edu
GitHub repo of resources: https://github.com/alexroseb/Intro-To-Twine