
Just a graph project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Graph Project

Simulate the behaviour of graphs with weighted vertices and spring edges as physical objects.


Windows/Ubuntu setup

  1. cd into the folder you want to clone the project in and run git clone https://github.com/alexrosen45/the-graph-project

In the same directory, run the following commands

  1. pip install virtualenv
  2. cd the-graph-project
  3. virtualenv env
  4. .\env\scripts\activate
  5. pip install requirements.txt
  6. python main.py

To deactivate the virutal environment, use the command deactivate or exit the terminal.

Mac setup



Everything runs from main in main.py.

Want to Contribute 🙋‍♂️?

Make a pull request here.