Digraph to SVG Github Action

Digraph to SVG runs graphviz to compile DOT (graph description language) files which can be maintained by a person into svg files that can be displayed by a browser.

  1. Install it as a Github Action
  2. Check in a digraph dot file named with the .dot extension
  3. This action will create and commit a .svg file in the same directory with the base name (ie my-graph.dot -> my-graph.svg)

An example

If you want this action to run on every pull request that changes a *.dot file create the following in your project as .github/workflows/main.yml

      - "**.dot"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Create svg image from digraph .dot file
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
      - name: Digraph to SVG step
        id: digraph_to_svg
        uses: alexrothenberg/digraph-to-svg-action@master

When you create a pull request that adds or updates a .dot file like example/graph.dot the action will run and you'll see a new commit from actions-user in your pull adding example/graph.svg like

Example commit

How it works

  • The Dockerfile installs graphviz in this action
  • entrypoint.sh
    • scans for files .dot files and runs graphviz to generate a .svg for each
    • commits the changes back into the branch of your github repo that triggered the action


Contributions are welcome as github pull requests at https://github.com/alexrothenberg/digraph-to-svg-action


Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.