

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to use

  • Clone the repo,
  • NPM install
  • NPM start


A server will be woken up on the port 3001 with a rest API for the transactions entity, and a react App will be ready to be used on port 3000


[] Render every transaction from GET localhost:3000/transactions in the table from the App.js file

  • Create the appropiate reducers and actions to load and manipulate the data in general
  • Use the existing service
  • Render every transaction in a separate row table with all the corresponding details

[] Compute the column balance with the corresponding credit or debit, to have an up to date state of the money in the account

[] Based on the data from the canceled column, skip that row from the balance modification. (HTML code will be found inside App.js to create the checkbox that will contain this functionality)

[] Create a basic form component to add new transactions (note: the new transactions should be visible immediately after inside the table rows)

  • hit the POST endpont with the service to create a new transaction
  • create the form in another file to use redux to notify the table about the creation of the new transaction.

Bonus points

[] Render the dates in a human readable way

[] Render the numbers with usual money format

[] Implement a table-column sort with 3 states AZ-ZA-Default for date, credit and debit when clicking the column header

[] use eslint

[] test with jest/RTL

[] use nock