CLI tool to take snapshots of grafana dashboards
Currently supports only the Prometheus datasource.
This tool is very much in development and is likely to change considerably.
Refactor and break out into lib( The refactoring still needs to happen)find out why timeshifted stuff doesn't work(more of an issue with null "snapshotData" fields)make it usable as a cli tool(barely)document(some)Dockerise(alexrudd/snapshot_grafana)- snapshot annotations
- async the datasource reqs
- "Take()" should take a context
- use a json library instead of all that casting
- support other datasources
- builds
package main
import (
func main() {
grafanaURL, _ := url.Parse("")
from := time.Date(2017, time.February, 05, 6, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
to := time.Date(2017, time.February, 05, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
config := &snapshot.Config{
// The domain and path where your Grafana instance is located
GrafanaAddr: grafanaURL,
// An api key which has admin privelages and access to the target dashboard
GrafanaAPIKey: "eyJrIjoib3M0RDRWNmxYbnQ3bEJKNVUwOFE1Rk0wZnFrRXR3eDEiLCJuIjoia2V5IiwiaWQiOjN9",
snapclient, _ := snapshot.NewSnapClient(config)
takeConfig := &snapshot.TakeConfig{
DashSlug: "my-dash-slug",
From: &from,
To: &to,
snapshot, err := snapclient.Take(takeConfig)
if err != nil {
go get
snapshot_grafana \
-grafana_addr="" \
-grafana_api_key="eyJrIjoib3M0RDRWNmxYbnQ3bEJKNVUwOFE1Rk0wZnFrRXR3eDEiLCJuIjoia2V5IiwiaWQiOjN9" \
Or using Docker:
docker run --rm alexrudd/snapshot_grafana \
-grafana_addr="" \
-grafana_api_key="eyJrIjoib3M0RDRWNmxYbnQ3bEJKNVUwOFE1Rk0wZnFrRXR3eDEiLCJuIjoia2V5IiwiaWQiOjN9" \