
Task manager web application built with Ruby on Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby

Task Manager built with Ruby on Rails Ruby

You can try a demo of the app in https://organizador-alexruizlul.herokuapp.com/

Some of the things you can do in this web app are:

  • Log in

  • Sign up

  • Create, edit and delete tasks

  • Create categories

  • View tasks in which you are involved, either as a Participant or Owner

Web app in action

Screenshot from 2021-09-21 10-38-56

Screenshot from 2021-09-21 10-41-06

Screenshot from 2021-09-21 10-41-44

Technology stack:

  • Ruby on Rails

  • PostgreSQL

  • Heroku

  • Bootstrap

Registered users:

DEMO in https://activities-platzi.herokuapp.com/

user pass
johan@platzi.com 123456
juan@platzi.com 123456
andrea@platzi.com 123456
leon@platzi.com 123456
andres@platzi.com 123456
natalia@platzi.com 123456
camilo@platzi.com 123456
rusbel@platzi.com 123456