
A tool to upload a list of issues from Google Sheets directly into Jira

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is an early version of the Google Sheets Jira Uploader tool. It allows a user to create multiple issues in different Jira project in a single operation.

Access it here Google Sheet.


Get API Key

In order to use this tool, you will need to get an API token from Atlassian and follow along their guide. Save this key in the password manager of your choice and rotate it often.


Open the sheet above and navigate to the Config tab

  1. Save as a copy of the sheet for your use.
  2. Add your Jira domain instance (https://MYINSTANCE.attlassian.net/)
  3. Set up your available and default issue type and priority levels. image
  4. On the main sheet, press the Sync Users and Projects button to download all of the active users and their user IDs (needed to make assignments) and project keys availiable to you.


  1. Add all of your required issue data. Project Key and Summary are required. Issue Type and Priority default values will be used if none are provided.
  2. Once the data is filled out, click on Send to Jira
  3. If using the sheet for the first time, you will need to review and approve the authorization.
  4. Provide your Atlassian account name. If the field "Ask for Username" is unchecked, then the username will be only be asked once per browser user.
  5. Provide your API token generated above.
  6. The issues will be created one by one and the results shown image
  7. You can resubmit the data again. Issues checked as Skip will be updated (Summmry, Description, Assignee, Parent, and Priority only), while unchecked issues will be (re)created.

Supported fields

Field Name Description Required Notes Ticket Updated when Rerunning Script
Project Project key YES Only projects keys (e.g. ABC) is accepted. Value is forced to upper case. NO, as moving an issue requires multiples steps Jira.
Summary Title of the issue. YES YES
Type Issue Type (Task, Story, etc) No, but a default value is used if left blank. This assumes simple isue types. Other issues, such as Parent tickets, may require more fields than are currently supported. NO, as sometimes changing issue type requires additional mapping steps.
Description Issue content NO YES
Parent Parent (formerly Epic) the ticket can belong to NO --- YES (nulled if left blank)
Assignee User assigned to the ticket NO --- YES (unassinged if left blank)
Priority Priority level NO, but a default is used if left blank Priority level of the issue. Define existig custom priorities and defaul values if one is not provided. YES


(This is under coonstruction)