
State machine creation framework written in Swift inspired by GKStateMachine from Apple GameplayKit

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



Twitter Version License Platform Swift Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager Compatible Build Status codecov codebeat badge BCH compliance

Swift library to create Finite-state machines inspired by GKStateMachine from Apple GameplayKit framework.

Test StateMachine working live!

🌟 Features

  • Define States and Their Behavior.
  • Create and Drive a State Machine.
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe to State changes.
  • UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate extensions with application life cycle State Machine embedded.
  • StatefulViewController subclass with UIViewController life cycle State Machine embedded.

📲 Installation

StateMachine is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ArchitStateMachine'

Or you can install it with Carthage:

github "alexruperez/StateMachine"

Or install it with Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/alexruperez/StateMachine.git")

🐒 Usage

Define States and Their Behavior:

class MyState: State {
    func isValidNext<S>(state type: S.Type) -> Bool where S : State {
        switch type {
        case is OneValidNextState.Type, is OtherValidNextState.Type:
            return true
            return false

class OneValidNextState: State {
    func isValidNext<S>(state type: S.Type) -> Bool where S : State {
        return type is OtherValidNextState.Type

    func didEnter(from previous: State?) {
        // Your code here

class OtherValidNextState: State {
    func isValidNext<S>(state type: S.Type) -> Bool where S : State {
        return false

    func willExit(to next: State) {
        // Your code here

Create and Drive a State Machine:

let stateMachine = StateMachine([MyState(), OneValidNextState(), OtherValidNextState()])



Subscribe/unsubscribe to State changes:

let subscriptionToken = stateMachine.subscribe { (previous, current) in
    // Your code here



UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate extensions with application life cycle State Machine embedded:


if UIApplication.shared.stateMachine.current is ActiveApplicationState {
    // Your code here

StatefulViewController subclass with UIViewController life cycle State Machine embedded:


let viewController = StatefulViewController()

if viewController.stateMachine.current is AppearingViewControllerState {
    // Your code here

❤️ Etc.

  • Contributions are very welcome.
  • Attribution is appreciated (let's spread the word!), but not mandatory.

👨‍💻 Authors

alexruperez, contact@alexruperez.com

👮‍♂️ License

StateMachine is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.