WordPress Starter Theme

This repository contains the starter theme for projects using WordPress.


Install the theme manually by cloning the repository under your WordPress themes directory and then removing the git tracking:

git clone git@github.com:alexsancho/wp-starter-theme.git your-theme-name
rm -rf your-theme-name/.git


First you need to install required npm packages to start developing. In your theme root run:

yarn install

Replace the THEMENAME string with your theme name within all project files with a case sensitive search and replace. This is used for namespacing the theme function files.

Translations and textdomain

Translations and the theme textdomain are loaded from under the /lang directory. Replace the textdomain string with your theme textdomain within all project files with a case sensitive search and replace. Then rename the .pot file under the /lang directory with the new theme textdomain.

Assets and Webpack

Assets are compiled with Webpack. Use yarn to install packages and require JavaScript files in assets/src/front/main.js and import Sass files in assets/src/front/scss/main.scss. The directory under which the assets are build is dist.

You should only enqueue files that are under dist!

The URL to be used with the assets is defined in /lib/setup.php with the ASSET_URI constant. It points to https://{site_domain}/{path_to_themes_folder}/themename/dist by default. To use another source for assets this value can be changed by defining the constant for example in the wp-config.php file with a custom URI.

Asset versioning

The style and script files are automatically enqueued with the current theme version. To bust browser cache on asset updates change the theme version in the style.css file comments.


Run webpack in the theme root in your local environment.

Run with the npm script:

npm run start

These commands will compile unminified versions of your assets.


Build minified versions for production with the npm script:

npm run build

These commands will compile minified versions of your assets.

JavaScript development guide

The theme's Webpack config uses Babel to compile ES6 into ES5. Thus we use classes and other cool features introduced in ES6. See the full list of ES6 features here.

Enable Babel compiling

If you add npm packages using ES6 features, remember to include them for the Babel loader in the webpack.config.js file!