
Basic react test for newcomers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Basic react test for newcomers.

First steps

You should install all deps and run index.js that exposes an express server running on port 3000.

npm install
npm run server

To test that everything is fine executes:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"user1", "password":"password1"}' http://localhost:3000/login


  1. Create a scaffolding for the project. Comment below the used starter. Create a App.tsx / App.js component as root component.

  2. Create a Login.tsx / Login.js component with the following inputs:

    • Email (Required / well email format needed)
    • Password (Required). It should have an icon as a button to show / hide the password (Change between stars and cases)
    • Remember user checkbox.
    • Submit button that launch the action.

    It would be valued an explanation about the solution (used validation library, how to validate inputs, messages shown, etc). Also for this test it should be valuable do not use css classes although tailwind utilities.

  3. Create a provider for using Axios in the whole application. It exposes a login method that call the server and save the user in the local storage. It returns the user as well for the Login component.

It would be valued an explanation about the solution (used hook, how, etc)

  1. Create a unit test over Login component.
    • Test that submit button is disabled when there are some validation issues.
    • Test that Login component calls login method inside the provider.
    • Test that icon in the password input change the visibility state of password input.

It would be valued an explanation about the solution (testing framework, why it is a unit test, etc).


All exercises should be delivered by creating a PR in the same repo that you cloned. You could do a single commit or a bunch of them. As you wish.

The time limit is 2 hours, but early delivers will be valued positively.

Candidate explanations

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