Mattermost Online Simulator

If you can't stay online in Mattermost but have to, then just start this online simulator and that's done:)

You need Docker to use this tool. Install the Docker and just exec the following command:

docker run --rm --name mattermost-online-simulator -e WORKSPACE_URL=https://YOUR_MATTERMOST_URL -e AUTH_LOGIN=YOUR_MATTERMOST_LOGIN -e AUTH_PASSWORD=YOUR_MATTERMOST_PASSWORD alexsergin/mattermost-online-simulator

You can also specify end work hour and minutes with END_HOUR and END_MINUTES env variables. You can set an interval for END_MINUTES as FROM:TO like 30:59. In that case client will choose random value from the interval and stop in different time. If you'll set just a single minute the client stop in specified minute all time.