
A revolutionary website that allows users to stay up to date with the leading posers globally, as well as report acts of posery.

Software Packages Used

  1. Flask - http://flask.pocoo.org/
  2. Sqlite - https://www.sqlite.org/
  3. SQLAlchemy - https://www.sqlalchemy.org/


This project makes use of git submodules to organize its Bulma dependencies. Submodules are a means of including repository (Bulma) inside another repo (PoserRank). Read more about submodules here.

It is important to note that whenever cloning a repo containing submodules, the submodules are not immediately retrieved, but rather this must be done manually. To do this, run the following commands in the base directory:

git submodule init
git submodule update


This project also makes use of SQLAlchemy, a python SQL wrapper and toolkit that makes interfacing with SQL databases much cleaner and easier. SQLAlchemy can also be used to generate databases from the SQLAlchemy models it detects in a project. The below instructions are a condensed version of those found here, so if anything doesn't make sense refer back to the source. To generate your database, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your PoserRank repo (the one containing .git) and open the python interactive shell
  2. Import SQLAlchemy from the project:
from poserrank import db
  1. Generate the database

That's it! You can now populate the database with your favorite sqlite browser, or from the interactive shell.

Before Installation

Make sure you have sqlite3 and SQLAlchemy (not the python packages, just the regular packages) installed.

Installation and Use

  1. Clone the repository to a local repository of choice.
  2. Retrieve the Bulma repo at https://github.com/jgthms/bulma (see above instructions)
  3. Run the following pip command to install python dependencies from requirements.txt (alternatively using pip3 if your system uses it to handle python3 packages):
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Use SQLAlchemy to generate the development database (see instructions under SQLAlchemy)
  2. Run run.py with python.
  3. Open the index page on a web browser (localhost:5000 by default).

Useful Links