Pure Reactive WebFlux MongoDB WebSocket Chat. The chat is built on top of MongoDB's API: Capped collections, Tailable cursors, ReactiveMongoOperations template, GridFS template.
A prebuilt limited-functionality Bootstrap client is included and served by SpringBoot at http://localhost:8080
The full-featured Angular PrimeNG frontend client which supports nick names, file attachments and video streaming can be found here:
Angular 9 PrimeNg chat client.
A small Java stress testing client for this chat:
Stress testing client for WebSocket chat.
Build script for docker-compose (MongoDB profile, Angular client, nginx):
MongoChat build scripts.
Prerequisites: git, JDK8, docker, docker-compose
1. git clone https://github.com/alexshavlovsky/mongo-chat-ci-template.git
2. cd mongo-chat-ci-template
3. Linux: sh build.sh
Windows: build.cmd
1. Start MongoDB:
docker run --name test-mongo -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo
2. Set appropriate spring.data.mongodb.host in the application.properties
3. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=mongo-service, mongo-grid-attachments
4. Build and run the Spring Boot application. Open the URL in a browser:
5. The Angular client is recommended
1. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=replay-service, file-system-attachments
2. Build and run the Spring Boot application. Open the URL in a browser:
3. The Angular client is recommended
WARNING: the transcoding process of a single file may take several minutes depending on the file size
1. Start MongoDB:
docker run --name test-mongo -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo
2. Set appropriate spring.data.mongodb.host in the application.properties
3. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=mongo-service, mongo-grid-attachments, mongo-video-transcoder
4. Build and run the Spring Boot application.
5. Use the Angular client: https://github.com/alexshavlovsky/primeng-chat-client.git
Component | Technology |
Backend engine | Spring Boot WebFlux |
Database | Reactive MongoDB |
Protocol | Reactive WebSockets |
Server side thumbnails | Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java |
PDF documents thumbnails | PDF renderer - Java library for rendering PDF documents |
Video files thumbnails | The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project |
HTML video transcoder | Background service using JAVE ffmpeg wrapper (x264 and WEBM codecs are supported) |
Video streaming | Endpoint that supports partial requests |
Caching | Caffeine in-memory cache |
Frontend engine | Pure JS + WebSockets + Bootstrap (limited-functionality) |
or (see description) | Angular 10 + PrimeNG |
Prod packaging | Docker Engine Container, Alpine Linux, OpenJDK, SpringBoot JAR |
/ \
/ /---Client message--\
/ / \
/ Authentication: Public messages:
/ - hello (U) - msg (M) (text)
/----Server Message------\ - updateMe (U) - richMsg (M) (text with file attachments)
/ | \ - setTyping (M) (repeated every 2 seconds
/ | \ while the user is typing)
info (M) snapshot (U) snapshotUpdate (M)
(text) (list of clients) (mutation of clients list)
- addUser (new user has been connected)
- updateUser (user has changed his nick and/or uid)
- removeUser (user has been disconnected)
(M) - multicast messages (these messages are forwarded by the server to each connected client):
- server-clients: info, snapshotUpdate
- client-clients: msg, richMsg, setTyping
(U) - unicast messages:
- hello client-server greeting with user data (uid and nick)
must be send by a client within first 5 seconds of ws session
- snapshot server-client greeting with the list of clients in the chat
- updateMe client-server with new user data (uid and nick)
array of sources
| |
v |
+----------+ message +-----------------------+ +--------------------+
| Frontend |---------->| Video file attachmens |--->| Compound Web Video |
+----------+ +-----------------------+ +--------------------+
^ | | ^
| | v |
| | +-------------------------+ +---------------------+
| | | Transcoding jobs queue: |<--->| Transcoder facade |
| | | 1 - MP4_480 | +---------------------+
| | | 2 - WEBM_480 | ^ ^
| | | 3 - MP4_720 | | |
| | | 4 - WEBM_720 | | v
| | | ... | | +-----------------+
| | +-------------------------+ | | Ffmpeg executor |
| | | +-----------------+
| | +--------------------+ |
| +--->| Attachment service |<------------------+
| original file +--------------------+
| and transcoded sources |