
Cross-Platform Mvvm Platform for MonoTouch, MonoDroid, WP7 and WinRT. Includes databinding support for Android XML, for MonoTouch XIBs and for MonoTouch.Dialog.

Primary LanguageC#Microsoft Public LicenseMS-PL


This project provides a cross-platform mvvm mobile development framework built on top of Silverlight for WP7, Mono for Android and MonoTouch for iOS.

Getting started

To learn about what MVVM is... please look at this introduction from Infragistics http://blogs.infragistics.com/blogs/anand_raja/archive/2012/02/20/the-model-view-viewmodel-101-part-1.aspx and http://blogs.infragistics.com/blogs/anand_raja/archive/2012/03/06/introduction-to-the-model-view-viewmodel-pattern-part-2.aspx.

http://vimeo.com/39019207 provides a video of me talking (with poor noise quality - sorry... plus they cut the session from an hour to 45 minutes - doh!)

To see how MvvmCross provides ViewModels, Views and bindings, see the tutorial steps in the wiki - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/wiki/_pages

About MvvmCross...

This project was born from:

  • a branch of the MonoCross project, moving away from MVC and towards MVVM
  • an extension project from http://www.cirrious.com
  • some ideas from MvvmLight
  • some ideas from ASP.NET MVC
  • some ideas from OpenNetCF (Phone7.Fx)
  • lots of my own ideas - http://www.cirrious.com

Here's it action for the sqlbits conference app: sql bits

Current state

Currently included:

  • Android

  • Touch

  • WindowsPhone

  • Console/NUnit

  • a prototype WinRT build

  • Book sample

  • Conference sample

  • CustomerManagement sample

  • Tutorial sample

  • TwitterSearch sample

WebKit work Will not be progressed - I simply don't believe that a web server client belongs here in this mobile mvvm framework...

Future direction

Under consideration

  • More tablet support - for iPad, for Windows Metro and for Android
  • More messaging
  • Blendability
  • Test integration
  • Better Samples
  • More cross platform services (accelerometer, contacts, sql, etc)


This project is developed and distributed under Ms-Pl - see http://opensource.org/licenses/ms-pl.html

  • MonoCross was the original starting point for this project, and was used as a reference under MIT - please see http://code.google.com/p/monocross/ for original details.

  • Phone7.Fx is redistributed and modified here under Ms-PL - please see http://phone7.codeplex.com for original details.

  • Tiny bits of MvvmLight are redistributed and modified here under MIT - please see http://mvvmlight.codeplex.com/ for original details.

  • NewtonSoft.Json is redistributed and modified here under MIT - please see http://json.codeplex.com for original details.

  • The original work on the JSON.Net port to MonoTouch and MonoDroid was done by @ChrisNTR - https://github.com/chrisntr/Newtonsoft.Json

  • To be documented: MonoTouch.Dialog, MonoDroid.Dialog (not currently used), MonoTouch.NinePatch (not currently used), OpenNetCF IoC (used from wtihin Phone7.Fx?), code from Xamarin samples, code from PullToRefresh


Thanks to McCannLondon for sponsoring the initial part of this work - http://blogs.mccannlondon.co.uk/