
Basic assembler framework for use by Harvard CSCI E-93 students

Primary LanguageC

This is a basic starting point for Harvard Extension CSCIE-93 Computer Architecture students to develop a MIPS-like assembler written in C. Input validation, error checking, and support for labels, data blocks, etc are up to you to implement.

Instruction Set

This assembler supports 16-bit MIPS-like instructions.

R-Type instructions

[   opcode   ][    rs    ][    rt    ][ funccode ]
[   4 bits   ][  4 bits  ][  4 bits  ][  4 bits  ]

Included R-Type Instructions:

add: opcode 0x0, funccode 0x0

I-Type instructions

[   opcode   ][    rs    ][       immediate      ]
[   4 bits   ][  4 bits  ][        8 bits        ]

Included I-Type Instructions:

li:  opcode 0x1


li  $r0, 0x2
li  $r1, 0x3
add $r0, $r1

would output

0000 : 1002
0001 : 1103
0002 : 0010

Instructions are output to a MIF file.

Installation Instructions

To build the assembler:


To run the assembler:

./assembler <input>.asm <output>.mif

To clean up the directory:

make clean


Unit testing is provided through CUnit. Feel free to replace this with a different unit testing framework of your choice. CUnit can be installed on Mac via Homebrew:

brew install cunit

To run tests:

make test