
Sample application to demo migrating to Java 17

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java 17 Migration Demo

This demo application was built to run on Java 8 but contains migration issues when run on Java 17. The slides that go with this demo are available here: https://www.slideshare.net/AlexMotley3/making-the-move-to-java-17-jconf-2022-253278338.


Demo flow:

  1. Show app, explain what it does and how it works. Also go through the pom.xml

  2. To show the application running on Java 8, run mvn clean install. Then java -jar target/java17demo-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

  3. Try running with Java 17, it will fail

  4. Run the binary scanner on the app using mvn exec:java

  5. Go through the report, make the appropriate updates to the app (and pom.xml). A copy of the needed updates are in the src/main/java/hava17demo/java17 folder

  6. Run JDeps on the app to determine if further updates are needed (ensure you are running the JDeps from Java17!): jdeps -jdkinternals target/java17demo-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

  7. Run the Transformer to update jax-b to the Jakarta packages. java -jar org.eclipse.transformer.cli-0.5.0.jar ../src

  8. Recompile and run the app with Java 17, it should now work as it did before: mvn clean install, java -jar target/java17demo-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar