Fetch Rewards Backend Software Engineering Takehome

A REST API designed to receive HTTP requests and return responses based on a user's transactions, reward points balance, and reward points spend.


  • A user can have reward points balances in their account from various payers (presumably businesses where a user transacts)

    • e.g., {"Nike": 500, "Cheesecake Factory": 1000}
  • Transactions are submitted to add or subtract points from a user's reward points balance

    • Payer balances in a user's account cannot go below 0
  • A user can spend points from their account/payer balances

    • User's total points cannot go below 0
    • Points are spent in First-In-First-Out order based on transaction timestamp, irrespective of payer


  • Python - The latest version of Python to run the program, or at least version 3.7+
  • FastAPI - A modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints
  • Pydantic - Data validation and settings management using python type annotations
  • Pytest - Python testing framework


  1. Clone git repo to your local machine

     git clone https://github.com/alexsmaldone/fetchrewards-takehome.git
  2. Cd into the project's root directory

     cd fetchrewards-takehome/
  3. Install dependencies

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start the server

     uvicorn main:app --reload

    Your terminal should read: Uvicorn running on

    You can verify the server is running by visiting http://localhost:8000 in your browser, where you should see this response:

    Hi! Welcome to Alex Smaldone's Fetch Rewards Backend Engineer Takehome Test

Using the API

This service uses no database or persistent storage, so user points / payer transactions will reset every time the server is started/restarted

I recommend using a tool like Postman to test out API calls.

POST Route "/points" - Add Payer Transaction

Request Format

{"payer": <str>, "points": <int>, "timestamp": <datetime>}

Example Request and Response

{"payer": "Nike, "points": 500, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T11:07:01.017197"}
{"Message": "Transaction Successful", "Current Balance": 500}

Example Request and Response (including previous)

{"payer": "Adidas, "points": 500, "timestamp": "2022-06-20T11:07:02.017197"}
{"Message": "Transaction Successful", "Current Balance": 1000}

Error Handling

  • Preventing payer balances from going negative
  • Preventing 0 points transactions
  • Type checking for request body values

POST Route "/points/spend" - Spend User Points

Request Format

{"points": <int>}

Example Request and Response

{"points": 250}

Subtracts 250 points from Nike payer balance as it is the oldest transaction.

{"payer": "Nike", "points": -250}

Error Handling

  • Preventing spend that is greater than total user points
  • Preventing negative spend
  • Type checking for request body values

GET Route "/points" - Get User Points by Payer

After making the above transaction and spend requests, the payer points would look like:

"Nike": 250, "Adidas": 500

Running Tests

You can run the tests in test_main.py from the main directory by running:


The tests check the following:

  • Returns the proper points balance
  • Cannot create negative payer balances with a transaction
  • Cannot add 0 point transactions
  • Tests valid transaction sequences
  • Tests valid spend sequences
  • Spend must be greater than 0 and less than total available points