You can get an SMPP account at
if you dont have an existing buyer account on TelecomsXChange visit
- Clone this repository to your machine
# git clone
cd /smpp-client-nodejs/
- Install node modules
# npm install
# npm install system-sleep
Open send.js in your text-editor and add your SMPP host,port, username, password.
Send SMS
# node send.js
# cd /smpp-client-nodejs/
- Install node modules
# npm install
- Open smpp-stress-tester.js in your code editor and configure SMPP HOST, PORT, USER, PASS, MESSAGES COUNT etc..
const test_sms_count = 5000; // Number of SMS messages to send.
const req_sec_limit = 65; // Number of messages per second
const sleep_time = 1/req_sec_limit*1000; // Sleep time / Wait for x secs
- Start SMPP test
# node smpp-stress-tester.js
This configuration only works if you're using TCXC to send messages through viber. You must first have purchased Viber SMS route on TCXC first in order to be routed through the correct link, We also require sender ID verification process to whitelist your brandname or sender id.
If you have done that already, you may send a test message to a viber phone number as shown below.
# node SendViber.js
If you're stuck please open a github issue ( )
If you're a TCXC member (Paying subscriber) you may open a trouble ticket by emailing