A Laravel PHP package for working w/ Vue and form submissions.
Normal install via Composer.
Make a form model:
use Travis\Vueform;
class MyForm extends VueForm
public static $rules = [
'first' => 'required',
'last' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|email',
public static function run()
if (static::validate())
// capture
$first = static::get('first');
$last = static::get('last');
$email = static::get('email');
// do something
// return a response object
return static::response();
// This response will automatically show error code 422 and
// your validate errors. A successful submission will
// return response code 200.
// add optional message and return
return static::response();
// or add message as error and return
return static::response();
// or add it all to response method
return static::response('You did it!', 200, ['extra' => 'Stuff you need to know.']);
Make a route or a controller:
Route::post('submit', function()
return MyForm::run();
In your resources/assets/js/app.js
file, setup your Vue instance (with the helper errors
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
'step': 1,
'input': {
'first': null,
'last': null,
'email': null,
'errors': new errors(),
'errorMessage': null,
methods: {
onFormSubmit: function() {
var app = this;
axios.post('submit', this.input)
.then(function(response) {
app.step = 3;
app.errorMessage = response.data.message;
.catch(function(error) {
app.step = 2;
if (error.response.data.errors)
that.errorMessage = error.response.data.message;
that.errorMessage = 'Sorry, something went wrong with the server!';
onFormClear: function() {
this.step = 1;
for (field in this.input) {
this.input[field] = null;
Setup your HTML form:
<form method="POST" action="#" v-on:submit.prevent="onFormSubmit()">
<div v-if="step == 2" v-text="errorMessage"></div>
<div v-else-if="step == 3" v-text="errorMessage"></div>
<label class="label is-hidden">First</label>
<p class="control">
<input name="first" type="text" v-bind:class="errors.get('first') ? 'input is-medium is-danger' : 'input is-medium'" placeholder="First" v-model='input.first' v-on:keydown="errors.clear('first')">
<span class="help is-danger" v-if="errors.has('first')" v-text="errors.get('first')"></span>
<label class="label is-hidden">Last</label>
<p class="control">
<input name="last" type="text" v-bind:class="errors.get('last') ? 'input is-medium is-danger' : 'input is-medium'" placeholder="Last" v-model='input.last' v-on:keydown="errors.clear('last')">
<span class="help is-danger" v-if="errors.has('last')" v-text="errors.get('last')"></span>
<label class="label is-hidden">Email</label>
<p class="control">
<input type="text" v-bind:class="errors.get('email') ? 'input is-medium is-danger' : 'input is-medium'" placeholder="Email" v-model='input.email' v-on:keydown="errors.clear('email')">
<span class="help is-danger" v-if="errors.has('email')" v-text="errors.get('email')"></span>
<div class="control is-grouped">
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-primary is-medium" v-bind:disabled="errors.any()">Submit</button>
<p class="control">
<a class="button is-link is-medium" v-on:click="onFormClear()">Cancel</a>