
The final deliverable for a API class. From 2022.The real project is here: https://github.com/aaronkitelinger/MentalHealthHelp

Primary LanguageJava

Mental Health Focused Group Project

Used with microservices and Spring boot


This application is meant to help those with new or occurring mental health conditions and what they can do to help

They will be able to create, store, and document their own stories and struggles with certain illnesses.

The user will be able to search for specific mental illness and find resources and personal stories from other users, You will be also be taken to an info pages about the mental health condition where there are resources and basic definitions of each disorder to help users understand more and more about each one.


[Storyboard in Invision] (https://projects.invisionapp.com/freehand/document/5Gmxa2oT4)

Endpoint Requirements

/disorder/… /myexperiences

(Given: When: Then: Statements)


Given: A user puts in an endpoint that dooesn't exist When: The webpages loads... Then: The error 404 page is displayed


Given: The user is on the home page When: They click the my experiences button Then: It takes them to the /myexperiences endpoint


Given: The user is on the home page When: They type in the disorder search Then: The search bar will autocomplete what they are typing


Given: They have entered something in the text box in the /myexperiences endpoint When: The press the submit button Then: That experience will be posted to the the /myexperiences endpoint


Given: The person logs in When: Submits an experience Then: It appears on their page


Given: Someone has posted about an experience with a specfic disorder When: Someone is on the disorder info page Then: Their experience will be linked to that page


Class Diagram


This is what we plan to bring to the app.

{ "type" : object", "properties" : { "disorderID" : { "type" : "int" }, "disorderName" : { "type" : "String" }, "dsm5Page" : { "type" : "int" } "percentOfPeople" : { "type" : "float" } } } : {"type" : "String"} "dsm5Page" : {"type" : "int"} "percentOfPeople" : {"type" : "float"} } }

Team Members and Scrum Roles

Aaron Kitelinger – Project Owner/Scrum/DevOps/GitHub Administrator

Benjamin Seamon – Business Logic

Alexander Spurlock – Persistence Specialist

Couri Wilson – UI Specialist

Git Hub Repository Link


Teams Link
