
A simple react and spring boot demo/boilerplate

Primary LanguageJava

React with Spring Boot Demo


I simply took the counter implementaion from the the original template from cerate-react-app and added a few api calls to the backend, which is spring boot.

The root directory contains the main git tree and the /frontend and /backend folders.


This is assuming that you have Nodejs and JDK of some kind (this project uses 17).

  1. Run the spring boot application by either running /gradlew bootRun in the /backend directory, or if you have an IDE, go the main method, and click on the run button.
  2. Run the react web app by running the npm run dev in the /frontend directory.
  3. Go to the brower, and go to http://localhost:5173/.

This will be my boilerplate code for future full stack projects.

