A collection I've listened to.
The Value of Values - Rich Hickey
Clojure Concurrency - Rich Hickey
Four Solutions to a Trivial Problem - Guy Steele
Concurrency is not Parallelism - Rob Pike
Simplicity is Complicated - Rob Pike
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters - Joshua Bloch
Always Be Composing - Zach Tellman
Power of Simplicity - Alan Kay
On Software Quality - Jonathan Blow
The JavaScript Programming Language - Douglas Crockford
An Inconvenient API - The Theory of the DOM - Douglas Crockford
Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds - Linus Torvalds
Deep Learning and Understandability versus Software Engineering and Verification - Peter Norvig
Linus Torvalds on Git - Linus Torvalds
Twenty Years after Doom - John Carmack
AI & The Future Of Civilization - Stephen Wolfram
Jeff Dean on TensorFlow in Seoul - Jeff Dean
Original Node.js Presentation - Ryan Dahl
Introduction to Javascript and Browser DOM - Misko Hevery
Javascript: The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford
Structuring Teams and Scaling At Google - Eric Schmidt
Data-Oriented Design and C++ - Mike Acton