
Analysis framework for optimizing and applying Mono-Higgs signal event selection and performing the statistical analysis.

Primary LanguageC++



This repository contains the directories for optimizing the Standard Model (SM) Higgs search for the Mono-Higgs signature, used to search for DM produced in association with a Higgs, using both cut-and-count and multivariate methods. The packages here stand alone from the SM analysis framework, but take as input the "reduced" ROOT NTuples output from the package https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-HiggsToZZ4LeptonsRun2, which contain only the necessary branches for these studies.


This package depends on Root in general, and the Statistical Analysis framwork depends on the Higgs analysis statistics package CombinedLimit and is best run within CMS Software version 7_6_X or later. The Optimization frameworks can be run outside of CMSSW, depending only on ROOT and Python.

The repo can be obtained locally by running

git clone https://github.com/dburns7/MonoHiggsToZZ4Leptons.git