
Improved widescreen support for Unreal Tournament 1999.

Primary LanguageUnrealScriptMIT LicenseMIT

foxWSFix99 v1.1.1 - Changelog

Improved widescreen support for Unreal Tournament 1999

Mini-Wide Window!


  • Aspect-correct "Hor+" FOV adjustment, including weapon zoom values
  • Aspect-correct rendering for first-person weapons
  • Aspect-correct mouse sensitivity (scale off wider FOV instead of hard-coded 90)
  • Entirely client-side - no mutators required

Install / Uninstall

Extract the release archive to your UT install directory.

Open System\UnrealTournament.ini and find the following line:


Replace it with the following:


You're done! To uninstall, simply reverse your changes.


Once installed, foxWSFix works automatically, with no configuration required.

Resolution can be adjusted via the game's built-in console command:

SetRes <resolution>
 * <resolution> - new resolution to use, given as ##x##
    e.g. SetRes 1920x1080
         SetRes 3360x1440

In-game FOV can be adjusted via a new console command:

SetFOV <fov>
 * <fov> - new FOV to use, given as a 4:3 ratio FOV (90 @ 4:3 == 106.2602 @ 16:9, etc.)
    e.g. SetFOV 90

Other Notes

The FOV changes should be compatible with all mods, provided they don't use a custom UTConsole class.

foxWSFix stores its settings in System\UnrealTournament.ini as such:

Desired43FOV=90.000000          ;Desired 4:3 FOV per SetFOV command
bCorrectZoomFOV=True            ;Correct FOV values for weapon zoom?
bCorrectWeaponFOV=True          ;Correct FOV values for on-screen weapon viewmodel?
bCorrectMouseSensitivity=True   ;Correct MouseSensitivity for aspect ratio changes? (due to wider FOV)
<Normal UTConsole options etc.>

Note: bCorrectMouseSensitivity only applies after exiting all menus - be sure to do so after changing resolution!

Known Issues

  • HUDs grow larger with aspect ratio, but can be shrunk back down using the in-game HUD Scale slider.
  • Unfortunately, HUD Scale does not apply to crosshairs. Crosshair scale will require either custom HUDs or ugly hacks. :(

Compile Steps

To compile, move the "foxWSFix99" folder inside "Src" out into your root UT install directory.

Then simply add the following to the [Editor.EditorEngine] section in System\UnrealTournament.ini:


Finally, run "foxWSFix99\Compile.bat" (or simply "UCC make") to compile the project.


If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/13240/discussions/0/2993169283946758056/

Issues and Pull Requests are also welcome: https://github.com/alexstrout/foxWSFix-UT99

And of course, thanks for trying the mod! ~fox


v1.1.1 (2021-10-31):

  • Fixed dual Enforcers not scaling correctly
    • (Note: Modded dual weapons may still have issues for network clients)

v1.1.0 (2021-10-30):

  • Fixed weapon scaling not applying to network clients
  • Added "bCorrectWeaponFOV" option to control visual weapon FOV scaling

v1.0.0 (2020-12-10):

  • Initial release.